Monday, April 23, 2007

Taking the Plunge!

Recently, I decided to take the plunge and apply with Aspen University (an online, accredited school).The funny (and perhaps just a bit disturbing) aspect to all of this, is that I applied and was accepted to the school all in one day! I filled out the online application, paid the $75 fee, submitted my resume and received an acceptance letter via e-mail that same evening.

BTW, I do not have a Bachelor's degree, however I do have the requisite 15+ years of work experience. My classes (online independent) begin this week.

So, I am now enrolled in the Master of Science in Information Management program, sans Bachelor's degree.

I will be writing here about my experiences as a Graduate student at Aspen University. I look forward to sharing my ongoing adventures with you!




Unknown said...

Hey How are your classes so far? I am looking to enroll end of June and am looking for feedback on the classes and how they work.
please email me at and let me know!

JW said...

I'm also a student at Aspen U. in the MSIT program. I currently have five more courses, the Final & Capstone until I finish.

I'm looking forward to reading your blog.

Arjun said...

Hi I am thinking off joining the univ but after finishing a traditional college I am a little skeptical about online independent study. I would appreciate if you can let me know the amount of work goes into each assignment.